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Find Talent

If you are looking to fill a vacancy and or expand your organization, Frank Management Consult assist companies in finding the right employees for a variety of roles, both the locally and internationally.

We bring to you: over 15 years’ experience in recruitment, a diverse team of qualified and experienced professionals recruiters, massive Data Bank of resumes of both locals and internationals built over 15 years & Professional Networks. We are not only competitive but also extremely reputable in our service delivery.

Direct benefits of using our services include:

  1. Best Candidates –We use many tools and techniques to access and convince top candidates of the benefits of joining your organization, you are therefore sure of employing only the best.
  2. Speed – Human Resource managers have many important issues to attend to other than hiring. Our only priority as recruitment consultants is responding quickly to a client request for quality permanent and/or temporary staff. We will always provide you the best candidate quick than you can do.
  3. Act as your advocate – In direct recruitment you will not have an independent advocate to tell prospective employees about the advantages of joining your company. We will present the available job opportunities in the best way possible.
  4. Bonus Services - Because of our interaction with the job market, we will provide information about a candidate’s availability, sourcing methods, Salaries and Benefits and hiring time frame at no cost.
  5. Cost-Our services are cost effective as you save your advertising cost and all other costs associated with the recruitment exercise. For mass recruitment for example more than five positions we have discounts on the cost payable.

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Frank Management Consult Ltd
Nyaku House, 1st Floor Argwings Kodhek Rd,Hurlingham
Contact Us: info@frank-mgt.com or
call us at (254) 020 2724724 / (254 )745897222.

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